Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Carving!

 To properly prepare ourselves for this Halloweekend, my beloved and I decided to carve pumpkins together! We had a carving kit that included patterns of varying levels, so I picked a pirate skull design (level 2 of 4) and he chose a wolves-howling-at-the-moon-fancy-pants design (level 4). We drew out and cut open the pumpkins, remembering to leave a notch so that we can match it up when re-capping the pumpkins.

We scooped out the "guts" with the scraping tool from the kit (reminiscent of a grapefruit spoon), then we taped our designs onto the pumpkins.
Mmmm pumpkin seeds!
 Then we had to use the perforating tool to transfer the design. While my beloved was using his from the kit, I just used the same type of fondant tool (which is officially called a Serrated Quilting/ Cutting Wheel). Very convenient, since I was able to hold it like a pencil and follow the lines more precisely.

 We removed the design. After that, you could either rub a bit of flour over the design to reveal the little dots better or just trace it with a pen (I recommend the pen... the flour gets a bit messy)

Then we cut away with our little saws!
Gotta hand it to him... lots of little details. Great work!
 It was very fun carving out our pumpkins while watching Season 6 of The Office on Netflix. After all of our hard work, we rubbed petroleum jelly onto our cut edges (to prevent shriveling) and sat little battery-operated tea lights on the inside, and we were done!

 I love carving pumpkins! It's one of my favorite Halloween traditions (along with dressing up in costumes and acting like a fool haha)

Today, it so happens to be my beloved's birthday. So, of course, I am making him a cake... But what kind??? Well, we'll just have to see...

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