Friday, August 12, 2011

Double Birthday Cakes!

This past week, my very very good friends came into town. Their birthdays are really close to each other, so of course I wanted to make them cakes! For Joe, who's birthday was at the end of July, I made a Futurama cake. More specifically, a Bender cake.

Cutting out those letters in Futurama font was no small task, but it was worth it to see Joe's reaction. And I must say, my Beloved did most of the Bender! I was focusing so much on the letters, I told him to do his best Bender-- and he did an excellent job! In case you can't tell, I covered the cake in dark blue, light blue, and black fondant marbled together. To mimic space, I dotted it with some stars. And the cake inside? Classic yellow cake with chocolate buttercream. Yum!

The other cake I made was for his wife (and my bestie!) Ashley, whose birthday was this past Monday. I had so many awesome ideas for her, but I decided on an Alice in Wonderland cake.

This is a white cake with raspberry filling and vanilla buttercream. For the outside, I smoothed two different purple tones so they can blend into each other. I added some fondant accents like the Cheshire cat (can't forget him!), the Mad Hatter's hat, some playing cards, and some mushrooms (those are on the other side of the cake). I was so excited! However, I made a faux pas, since the unbirthday is actually the other 364 days that aren't your birthday, and I made this cake on the one day that was. She loved it anyways, though! :)

I must thank Joe and Ashley for taking pictures of my cakes! I was running around so much, I didn't get a chance to snag some progress shots or finished shots of my own!

1 comment:

  1. It was DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Send me some feedback! Watch the language, though!