Sunday, January 8, 2012

Stablized Whipped Icing

Hello, all! I just delivered an anniversary cake to a client that was iced in whipped icing! But it's OK, because it was stabilized! I had a horrific experience a few months ago with a wedding cake that was supposed to be iced in whipped cream. I tried to stabilize it with gelatin, but the warmth of the gelatin didn't quite work with keeping the whipping cream cold. It was a clumpy mess that didn't work at all.

So when a client asked me to make a cake with whipped icing, I was a bit wary. But I decided to take the challenge and try again! I found a Wilton recipe that looked promising, so I went for that! The recipe is as follows:
  • 1/2 pint (1cup) heavy whipping cream
  • 2 Tbsp powdered sugar
  • 2 Tbsp piping gel (I used teh Wilton brand found at my local craft store)
  • 1/2 tsp clear vanilla extract (also Wilton brand)
1) Combine the whipping cream and sugar in a mixing bowl (I chilled my bowl and whisk attachment for at least 20 minutes in the freezer beforehand).
2) Whip to soft peaks.
3) Add piping gel and vanilla.
 4) Then whip to stiff peaks, making sure not to overbeat.
This icing was a lot more easy to work with than before and it tasted amazing! It tasted like very light, fluffy vanilla ice cream. Yum! I had an 8" mocha cake to cover, so I filled the cake with espresso-infused whipped icing (yum!)

No worries! I fixed the uneven-ness!
The filled cake went into the freezer for half an hour, while I whipped up some more icing. For the 8" cake, I made four batches of the recipe (which is one quart of whipping cream exactly). I iced the cake then popped it back into the freezer for an hour.
I added a little ribbon...
Then a pearl border and some flowers in regular buttercream. I found that no matter how much I chilled the whipped icing, it didn''t hold roses well.
And for a little extra touch, I added some lovebirds! My client loved it!
This recipe for stabilized whipped icing worked a lot better, but I'm going to continue the search for an even more stable recipe that can hold up roses and other little flowers. Let me know if you readers find anything!

1 comment:

Send me some feedback! Watch the language, though!